Brain Training for Dogs is an innovative online dog training program created by professional dog trainer Adrienne Farricelli. It focuses on mental stimulation and positive reinforcement techniques to address behavioral issues and improve obedience in dogs of all ages and breeds.
Key Features
- Science-Based Methods: The training uses scientifically proven techniques that emphasize positive reinforcement over punishment.
- Interactive Exercises: It includes brain-stimulating games and exercises to enhance your dog’s cognitive abilities.
- Step-by-Step Guides: The program offers easy-to-follow instructions for implementing training sessions effectively.
- Behavioral Problem Solving: It addresses common issues such as barking, biting, jumping, and leash pulling.
- Stronger Bond: Improves communication and strengthens the relationship between you and your dog.
- Flexibility: Accessible online, allowing you to train your dog anytime, anywhere.
- Affordable: A cost-effective alternative to hiring professional dog trainers.